When was the last time you had your will updated? Perhaps you do not have a will. Even if you have minimal savings, investments, and property, you need a will. Otherwise, everything you have worked so hard to obtain will not be distributed exactly as you desire upon departing this plane of existence. There is no sense trusting the state to distribute your assets upon death when you can detail exactly how those assets should be distributed with a will. Meet with our Manteca legal team to craft a detailed will and you will rest easy knowing your assets are provided to those you select.
The Law Office of Michael K. Moore uses trusts as a strategic estate planning tool. The aim of a trust is to sidestep the costs of the probate process, which is why having a revocable trust is almost always the best estate planning tool. Your estate plan can be as simple or as complicated as needed – every client has different needs and at the Law Office of Michael K. Moore, we know how to accommodate our clients and ensure that their wishes are fulfilled. Let our legal team establish a trust on your behalf to tap into estate tax exemptions that significantly reduce or even eliminate estate taxes for those you designate as beneficiaries.
Though no one wants to think about reaching the point in life when dementia sets in, everyone is susceptible to suffering mental degradation that leaves them incapable of clear thought. It is time to start planning for such a scenario now. Establish power of attorney and you will not have to worry about who will make your end-of-life medical and financial decisions. Our attorneys will help you establish power of attorney, so a trustworthy individual steps in to handle such decisions on your behalf when you are no longer of sound mind.
Probate is a drawn-out legal process that requires an in-depth analysis of the decedent’s assets. These assets are then divvied up according to the law and the decedent’s desires. This is a complicated legal process that requires the assistance of a skilled estate planning attorney every step of the way.
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