There is no shame in experiencing financial problems. Our attorneys fully understand terrible things happen to good people. If you are struggling with your finances and being hounded by creditors, it is time to consider bankruptcy. Those who live in or near Manteca, Sacramento, Turlock, Tracy, Lodi, and Oakland and struggling with finances are encouraged to meet with our legal team to discuss Chapter 7 bankruptcy. This version of bankruptcy is only available to those who pass the means test. Our attorneys are here to explain this means test, determine if you are eligible and help you get a fresh start on your finances.
We will do everything possible to help you qualify for Chapter 7 bankruptcy as it allows for the exemption of most, if not all of your assets. This way, you will not have to bother trying to break down the types of exemptions California law allows and which should be selected. We will handle all of the paperwork, court hearings, and other legal elements of your bankruptcy so you can square your focus on rebuilding your finances. Chapter 7 is by far the quickest and cheapest means of declaring bankruptcy. Though bankruptcy does not allow for the discharge of certain debts like back taxes and some student loans, you can still benefit from meeting with our attorneys for a thorough review of your finances and options to bounce back from this unfortunate period of your life.
Meet with our legal team for an initial consultation and we will explain whether Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 makes more sense for your unique financial situation. There is no sense trying to understand the idiosyncrasies of each type of bankruptcy on your own when our experienced bankruptcy attorneys can explain it all in a fraction of the time.
We can help you file Chapter 13 bankruptcy if you are burdened with debt yet still have a secure income. You might qualify for Chapter 13 bankruptcy yet prove ineligible for Chapter 7. We will guide you through the steps of Chapter 13 bankruptcy and explain how it will provide an opportunity to move debt around in a manner that allows for the manageable repayment of debts. Declare Chapter 13 bankruptcy with the assistance of our law firm and you will have ample income remaining to cover living expenses. The majority of your income will be used to pay unsecured creditors over the next three to five years. This is exactly what you need to eliminate debts and move on with your life regardless of whether the entire outstanding balance is paid in full.
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